John Metzler

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John J. Metzler is a longtime U.N. correspondent who has reported from fifty-five countries and regularly visits Europe and the Far East to observe national elections, conflicts, and economic development.

He is the author of Divided Dynamism; The Diplomacy of Separated Nations Germany, Korea and China (University Press of America, 1996). Mr. Metzler writes weekly for Free Press International.

A mid-winter game of geopolitical chess

Russian tanks and mechanized infantry are churning dangerously close to Ukraine’s borders.

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Taliban war booty tops military spending of Germany, Japan

When the Taliban forces overran Afghanistan a few months ago, not only did they capture a country continuously in conflict since the initial Soviet invasion in 1979, but they equally seized huge stockpiles of American supplied weapons provided to the defeated Afghan military.

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Afghans to ‘pay twice’ after Taliban takeover

Following the Taliban’s lightning takeover of Afghanistan and America’s humiliating withdrawal, the remote South Asian country soon morphed into the political netherworld.

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Migrants as pawns in Putin’s hybrid warfare

The setting is remote. The players are highly improbable. Yet in the deep and forgotten forests along the Belorussian/Polish frontier, thousands of migrants from far off Syria, Iraq, and even Afghanistan are massing and milling trying to enter Poland.

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Could life in North Korea get even worse?

The ongoing global COVID pandemic combined with a shroud of secrecy and indifference has hidden the fast-deteriorating human rights situation in North Korea.

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Sudan coup jolts country’s fragile comeback

Here we go again; Another military coup in Sudan.

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China’s 'widespread and systematic' rights abuses in Xinjiang'

China’s ongoing human rights abuses against its Muslim minority in Xinjiang have again been chastised by a key UN committee. Forty-three countries strongly condemned the Beijing regime’s widespread human rights violations against the Uyghur minority in what has become a systematic state policy in China’s western Xinjiang region.

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Beijing’s dangerous bullying of free Taiwan

Beijing’s communists are good at bullying; look at political crackdowns in prosperous Hong Kong, the suppression of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, and of course China’s ongoing military harassment of Taiwan, a democratically ruled island which the communists claim as part of the People’s Republic of China.

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20 years later: The 'Legion of the Silent' are gone

We all remember where we were on September 11, 2001. We all remember with sheer disbelief watching the unfolding horror and the realization that “it could happen here.”

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Biden's Afghan scenario triggered by 'appalling incompetence'

Sadly, we have seen this movie before. In the Spring of 1975, the collapse of South Vietnam coming to crescendo with the fall of Saigon indelibly marking a generation.

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Liberdad! Winds of freedom are blowing in Cuba

Cuba’s ongoing political and social upheaval has shocked many observers as a sudden and intense summer storm. Across the island in small towns and provincial centers protests erupted like a squall line until reaching the capital Havana.

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Global tourism needs a shot in the arm

It’s summertime and the living is easy, as the old song goes. And vacations both domestic and international should be surging despite dark pandemic clouds still shrouding parts of the world.

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CCP 100th: Xi Jinping honors Marxist monsters

Amid pomp, pageantry and proletarian parades, China’s President Xi Jinping kicked off festivities celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CCP).

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Biden's Nord Stream giveaway ended Putin showdown before it began

Were there great expectations for the summit meeting in Geneva between President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin?

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Covid's global toll: 58 million newly impoverished

Economic growth is making a long-awaited rebound after the height of the global pandemic; yet the recovery is still shadowed by serious and ongoing concerns overactive Corona virus outbreaks and the danger of flareups on the international scene.

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