John Metzler

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John J. Metzler is a longtime U.N. correspondent who has reported from fifty-five countries and regularly visits Europe and the Far East to observe national elections, conflicts, and economic development.

He is the author of Divided Dynamism; The Diplomacy of Separated Nations Germany, Korea and China (University Press of America, 1996). Mr. Metzler writes weekly for Free Press International.

Syria’s decade of despair: 500,000 dead as conflict churns on

A decade has passed since the Syrian conflict began. More than 500,000 people have been killed and millions more displaced.

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Keystone to 'Brave New World' on both sides of Canadian border

When the new Biden Administration spoke grandly of “restoring America's place in the world,” that bold new relationship with Canada restarted with an insult.

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UN: Global economy facing biggest hit since Great Depression

Massive worldwide economic disruptions and setbacks continue as the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the globe, devastating commerce, industry and people’s livelihoods. And even with modest economic gains expected this year in many developed countries, the virus and vaccines to counter COVID will ultimately set the agenda for success or failure.

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WHO’s back, chortles Dr. Fauci? WHY?

Look, WHO’s back in Washington’s good graces!

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Wuhan virus crisis has wrecked global health, stability

The global pandemic has devastated health standards, the economy, and through stress and the undertow of uncertainty and hardships has affected the sanity of citizens worldwide. Lockdowns, arbitrary regulations, school closings are taking their toll on the social fabric.

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Xi celebrates year of the Wuhan virus, eyes transformative 2021

In a self-congratulatory and hubristic speech to the nation, China’s President and Communist Party supremo Xi Jinping praised the efforts of the People’s Republic to overcome the Wuhan virus and to create a powerful Chinese economy amid global downturns.

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Looking ahead to 2021; Jobama 3? A post-pandemic world?

Covid-19 changed everything. Our Lives, our Health, the Economy, the Election, and certainly our Future.

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How President Trump’s major Morocco-Israel diplomatic deal blindsided the black hats

In another stunning breakthrough for Middle East peace, the Kingdom of Morocco has recognized Israel.

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UN warning: ‘Vaccine cannot undo damage that will stretch across years, even decades’

Beyond the dire health consequences of the Covid pandemic which has plagued the world, the virus has equally caused devastating social, economic and educational disruptions.

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From Arab spring to Syrian winter as Russia-China veto blocks aid to millions

There’s a special kind of Hell which befalls refugees and displaced persons during a harsh winter. And now as that season approaches, Syria stands at the brink after a decade of conflict and calamity and with no genuine end in sight.

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Hypocrisy on parade: Revealing UN votes on human, religious rights

Tis the Season of blatant political hypocrisy. This is the point where the UN General Assembly is quickly moving through its agenda items and voting on and adopting a series of draft resolutions relating to human rights and religious freedoms.

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As world focuses on the White House, Turkey’s Erdoğan is on the move

While the world was looking elsewhere and embroiled in the American presidential campaign, a long simmering territorial dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan reignited in late September.

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Winner of the 2020 election: The Wuhan, China virus

The experts got it wrong again. The pundits, the pollsters and the mainstream media once again assured Americans of the predictable Trump and Republican rout on election day. An inevitable Biden Blue Wave from sea to shining sea looked plausible to those who instinctively know better and who magnified their genius by high tech social media platforms.

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UN report: Covid 'could exacerbate entrenched human rights violations' in North Korea

In a scathing but measured account, a report by the UN”s Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) produced an update on North Korea.

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The foreign policy debate that wasn’t and the Trump successes that were

In the closing stages of the seemingly perpetual U.S. Presidential election campaign, the final debate was slated to cover foreign policy — it really didn’t.

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